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POWER STORAGE DETAILS Block diagram: The voltage generated by the source (generator) is not of pure dc. This has to be rectified before storage. A diode rectifier then provides a full-wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a simple capacitor filter to produce a dc voltage. Block diagram (Power supply) Working principle: The Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Full Wave Bridge Rectifier uses four individual rectifying diodes connected in a closed-loop "bridge" configuration to produce the desired output. The main advantage of this a bridge circuit is that it does not require a special center-tapped transformer, thereby reducing its size and cost. The single secondary winding is connected to one side of the diode bridge network and the load to the other side as shown below. The Diode Bridge Rectifier The four diodes labeled D1 to D4 are arranged in “series pairs” with only two diodes conducting current during each ...

The Different Types of Turtles

The Different Types of Turtles:

There are hundreds of different types of turtles. This article aims to give you a brief overview of the different types of turtles. Here is a shortlist of some of the types of turtle

The Pig Nosed Turtle:

This type of turtle has been called the Australasian Pig-nose turtle, the pitted shelled turtle, the plateless turtle, and even the fly river turtle. This kind of turtle is soft-shelled and is usually found in freshwater rivers, lagoons, and streams in Australia's Northern Territory and in New Guinea. 

The Green Sea Turtle: 

This family of a turtle is rather large and can be found in most subtropical and tropical areas in the world. It has two very distinct populations in the Pacific Ocean and The Atlantic Ocean. This is an endangered species and it is illegal to harm, kill or collect them. 

The Alligator Snapping Turtle:

 This is the biggest freshwater turtle on the continent of North America. It is larger than but not quite as aggressive as the common snapping turtle. These turtles are often found in the Missouri River and in South Carolina and the northern areas of Florida. This kind of turtle can stay underwater for almost an hour. 

The Mesoamerican River Turtle:

 sometimes this type of turtle is called the chickadee or the Tortuga-black. This turtle is nocturnal and lives in the lakes and rivers of Central America. Like many other species of turtles, this species is endangered. These turtles can get as big as twenty-five inches and can weigh up to forty-four pounds. 

The Leatherback Turtle:

 Of all of the types of turtle, this turtle is the largest of them all. The leatherback is a sea turtle and is the only species of turtle that does not have a hard shell. Instead, it only has flesh and skin. This kind of turtle can be found all over the world. 

The Red-Eared Slider Turtle:

 This turtle is known as a semi-aquatic turtle and is usually found in the southern area of the United States, particularly in the Mississippi River. Of course, because it makes a very popular pet, it can be found in pet stores all over the world. 

The Common Musk Turtle:

 This type of turtle has also been called The Stinkpot. It got its name because it can release a musky and foul odor to dissuade any predators that might think of hunting it. These turtles are found in the The Eastern United States and Southeastern Canada. 

The Big-Headed Turtle: 

This is one of the types of turtles that are usually found in Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and China. Its head is extremely large and it has been known to climb the trees that are near the rivers and streams where it lives It has also been known to arc its tail (like a scorpion) and is one of the different types of turtles that are unable to pull its head into its shell. 

What kind of turtle do I have?

Many people have a common question, “What kind of turtle do I have?” If you also have this question in mind then you should know more about turtles and turtle breeds. The following section is a useful guide that will help you to determine what species of turtles you have. This is quite essential since every type of turtle has distinct and specific requirements for its survival and well being. With the following guide, you will be able to know better about your favorite pet. You will be amazed to know that there are around 300 species of turtles in the world. It is not possible to know about each and every one of them.
However, below we have outlined and described some of the most common turtle breeds. It will help you to identify your pet’s breed. In this way, you will stop asking the question.

 What Kind of Turtle do I have?

  1. If your turtle has webbed toes that are usually more visible at the rear legs, you will know that it is a semi-aquatic or aquatic water turtle.
  2. If the front legs of your turtle resemble flippers and you found it on some beach, you can be sure that it is a sea turtle. Ideally, you must call a station of local wildlife rescue for assistance. Such turtle breeds are very common.
  3. If your turtle has a very smooth skin and leathery in texture, then you do not need to ask yourself, “What Kind of Turtle do I have?” You will know at once that it is essentially a Soft-shell turtle.
  4. A turtle has a domed and high shell is usually a box turtle.
  5. If your turtle has yellow and red stripes on its legs, it is basically a painted turtle. On the other hand, you will know that it is a red-eared slider one if it is yellow or black in color and has orange or red markings on its cheeks.
  6. If a turtle has an unpeeled and flat carapace with black, red, yellow, or orange markings, you will know instantly that it belongs to the Chrysemys species. Such turtle breeds commonly include painted turtles, sliders, and cooters.
  7. A Reeves turtle is one that has a brown or black carapace with 3 distinct ridges and has a skin that is black or olive in color. It is very obvious and you will not be asking, “What Kind of Turtle do I have?”
  8. Turtles having many yellow spots on their carapace is spotted turtles.
  9. If your turtle possesses any of the following characteristics, it will be among the many types of snapping turtle:
    •   Usually black or dark carapace
    •   Long a tail, long neck and large head
    •   Webbed back feet or clawed front feet
    •   Relatively small plastron


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