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POWER STORAGE DETAILS Block diagram: The voltage generated by the source (generator) is not of pure dc. This has to be rectified before storage. A diode rectifier then provides a full-wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a simple capacitor filter to produce a dc voltage. Block diagram (Power supply) Working principle: The Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Full Wave Bridge Rectifier uses four individual rectifying diodes connected in a closed-loop "bridge" configuration to produce the desired output. The main advantage of this a bridge circuit is that it does not require a special center-tapped transformer, thereby reducing its size and cost. The single secondary winding is connected to one side of the diode bridge network and the load to the other side as shown below. The Diode Bridge Rectifier The four diodes labeled D1 to D4 are arranged in “series pairs” with only two diodes conducting current during each ...



Block diagram:

The voltage generated by the source (generator) is not of pure dc. This has to be
rectified before storage. A diode rectifier then provides a full-wave rectified voltage that is
initially filtered by a simple capacitor filter to produce a dc voltage.

Block diagram (Power supply)

Working principle:

The Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

Full Wave Bridge Rectifier uses four individual rectifying diodes connected in a
closed-loop "bridge" configuration to produce the desired output. The main advantage of this
a bridge circuit is that it does not require a special center-tapped transformer, thereby reducing
its size and cost.

The single secondary winding is connected to one side of the diode bridge network
and the load to the other side as shown below.

The Diode Bridge Rectifier

The four diodes labeled D1 to D4 are arranged in “series pairs” with only two diodes
conducting current during each half cycle. During the positive half cycle of the supply.
diodes DI and D2 conduct in series while diodes D3 and D4 are reverse biased and the
current flows through the load as shown below.

The Positive Half-cycle

During the negative half the cycle of the supply, diodes D3, and D4 conduct in series, but
diodes D1 and D2switch "OFF" as they are now reverse biased. The current flowing through
the load is the same direction as before.

The Negative Half-cycle

As the current flowing through the load is unidirectional, so the voltage developed
across the load is also unidirectional. The average DC voltage across the load is 0.637 VMAX.
However in reality, during each half cycle the current flows through two diodes instead of
just one so the amplitude of the output voltage is two voltage drops (2 x 0.7 = 1.4V ) less
then the input VMAX amplitude. The ripple frequency is now twice the supply frequency (eg.
100Hz for a 50Hz supply)

 Typical Bridge Rectifier
             Although we can use 4  individual power diodes to make a full-wave bridge
rectifier, pre-made bridge rectifier components are available "off-the-shelf" in a range of
different voltage and current sizes that can be soldered directly into a PCB circuit board or be
connected by spade connectors.

The Smoothing Capacitor

           We saw in the previous section that the single-phase half-wave rectifier produces an
output wave every half cycle and that it was not practical to use this type of circuit to produce
a steady DC supply.

The full-wave bridge rectifier, however, gives us a greater mean DC value (0.637
Vmax) with less superimposed ripple while the output waveform is twice that of the
frequency of the input supply frequency

We can therefore increase its average DC output level even higher by connecting a
Suitable smoothing capacitor across the output of the bridge circuit as shown below.

Full-wave Rectifier with Smoothing Capacitor

The smoothing capacitor converts the full-wave rippled output of the rectifier into a
smooth DC output voltage. Generally for the DC power supply circuit the smoothing capacitor
is an Aluminium Electrolytic the type that has a capacitance value of 100uF or more with
repeated DC voltage pulses from the rectifier charging up the capacitor to the peak

However, there are two important parameters to consider when choosing a suitable
smoothing capacitor and these are its Working Voltage, which must be higher than the
Ipad output value of the rectifier and its Capacitance Value, which determines the amount of
a ripple that will appear superimposed on top of the DC voltage.

Too low a capacitance value and the capacitor has little effect on the output
But if the smoothing the capacitor is sufficiently large enough (parallel capacitor can
he used) and the load current is not too the output voltage will be almost as smooth as
pure DC. As a general rule of thumb, we are looking to have a ripple voltage of less than
peak to

The rectified filtered output voltage is then stored in a battery. The battery charging
time is based on the power generated by the source.


·         Compatible with MCS0-51 Products
·         8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory
·         Endurance: 10.000 Write/Erase Cycles
·         4.0 to 5.5V Operating Range
·         Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHZ
·         Three-level Program Memory Lock
·         256 x 8-bit Internal RAM
·         32 Programmable I/O Lines
·         Three 16-bit Timer/Counters
·         Eight InterRupt Sources
·         Full Duplex UART Serial Channel


 Pin Configuration:
VSS (Pin No: 20) Ground: 0 V reference.
VCC (Pin No: 40) Power Supply: This is the power supply voltage for normal, idle, and
power-down operation.


There are 4 Input/output ports named PO. PL. P2 and P3, Data must be written into
port registers first to send it out to any other external device through ports. Similarly, any data
received through ports must be read from port registers for performing any operation. All 4
port registers are a bit as well as byte-addressable.

Port 0 pins may serve as inputs, outputs, or when used together as a bi-directional
low order address and data bus for external memory

Port 1 has no dual functions. It works as an I/O port only.

Port 2 may be used as an input/output port similar in operation to port 1. The alternate
use of port 2 is to supply a high-order address byte in conjunction with the port 0 low-order
byte to address external memory

Port 3 is an input/output port similar to port 1. The port 3 alternate uses are shown in
the following table:
Serial data input
Serial data output
External interrupt 0
External interrupt 1
External timer 0 input
External timer1 input
External memory write pulse
External memory read pulse

Reset: Pin 9

A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the
device. To insure a good power on reset, the RST pin must be high long enough to allow the
oscillator time to start up (normally a few milliseconds) plus two machine eyeles. At power
on the voltage on VCC and RST must come up at the same time for a proper start-up. Ports
1.2. and 3 will asynchronously be driven to their reset condition when a voltage above VIHI
(min.) is applied to RESET.

An internal resistor to VSS permits a power on reset using only an external capacitor
to VCC

Between XIAOMI and XTAL2, A 11.0592MHZ is connected.


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